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Transform Overwhelm into Calm Clarity 

Master Your Mind and Achieve Your Goals with Hypnotherapy.

Calm female resting leaned on comfy couch in living room spend free time at home closed ey
Image by volant
Music, headphones and pregnant woman relax on sofa in home living room streaming radio or

Welcome to Mental Leap Hypnotherapy, where your overwhelm melts away. Our personalized online sessions empower you to find calm clarity amidst the chaos. Our experienced hypnotherapist, Anna provides the tools and support you need to overcome anxiety, stress, sleep issues, and more. Whether you're struggling with addiction or trauma, or simply looking to achieve a new milestone, our online hypnotherapy coaching sessions, workshops, and digital programs can make a real difference in your life. 


Schedule a Consultation Today! Discover how hypnotherapy can transform overwhelm into calm clarity and empower you to create the life you desire.

Why Work With a Hypnotherapist?

Hypnotherapy offers a fascinating and versatile approach to mental and physical well-being. It can be incredibly effective on its own for a wide range of concerns, and it can also act as a powerful complement to other healing modalities. 

Do you find it difficult to relax and enjoy life due to anxious thoughts? Does it show up in social settings or when you are alone? Anxiety can cause physical and phychological symptoms, keeping you in a fight-flight state. Learn more about how hypnotherapy can help manage anxiety.

Traditional treatments for depression, such as medication and therapy, can be helpful, but they often don't address the root causes of the condition. Uncovering and addressing the underlying causes can play a pivotal role in securing a long-term recovery and preventing instances of relapse.

 RTT can help you quit smoking in 1-3 sessions. When the root causes of your smoking habit are targeted,  lasting results are inevitable. Each RTT session is tailored to your individual needs and experiences and  empowers you with a newfound sense of control and self-belief.

Unlocking Your Inner Strength: Reconnect & Thrive​

If you are here for some sugarcoating, I've got bad news for you. More and more people feel consumed by stress, stuck in a spiral of negative thoughts, feeling alone in their struggles and not knowing how to get off the hamster wheel. Our nonstop, pressure-filled world throws stress our way like confetti, our focus is constantly pulled in a million directions, making it difficult to find peace within ourselves and connect meaningfully with others. 


Sleeping problems, overthinking, anxiety, depression are reaching an all time high. Quite frankly, I don't have time for sugarcoating. I remember how overwhelming these symptoms felt seven years ago, and finding tools to help myself get out of the rapidly deepening hole was a challenge. But I made it and I'm here to help you get out as well. 


Traditional therapies can be helpful, however, they don't always provide the groundbreaking results that are needed with such deep-seated issues. They might be a good first step, and when you ​have mustered the courage to dig deeper, to uncover the hidden motives and mental programming, I am here to guide you forward. 


Can you imagine a sense of clarity where your thoughts are quiet and focused? Can you picture the confidence that comes with knowing how to navigate challenging situations with ease? If you can catch glimpses of these, it's a good start, we can build on it and redesign the rest of your mental and emotional landscape in hypnosis. 


What if...

What if you can find ways to build yourself up and become rejection-proof? 


What if you can break free from anxious thoughts  and become your best friend?


What if you can transform your relationship with yourself and finally feel at home in your body?​


How about seeing yourself being in a healthy, loving and lasting relationship where you don't need to pretend to be somebody else?​


Can you visualise standing up for yourself and getting what you want?​


These can be available to you when you address what's holding you back.

Hello there!


Hi, I'm Anna

Remember dial-up? That glorious (and annoying) sound that announced, "Hey world, I'm finally online...maybe"? I can remember like it was yesterday. I had scraped knees, snowball fights and sunshine-filled days before diving headfirst into a world of endless tabs and cat videos. 


We built forts out of blankets and became fluent in the digital language as it evolved. But sometimes, being the bridge generation between analog and digital leaves you feeling stuck and overwhelmed. 



Stop the Struggle, Spark the Shift

According to latest research, it takes 63 days to create a new habit. Let's face it, staying motivated for 63 days straight can be tough. 
But what if there was a way to make positive change easier?

​Instead of constantly battling to do the right thing, learn how your mind works and use that knowledge to your advantage. This will give you the long-term motivation and commitment you need to achieve your goals, big and small. 

The best part? Results often come faster than you think. Many people experience positive shifts from RTT sessions in much less than 63 days!

Here's a real-life example: One client came to me wanting freedom from their ex's manipulative tactics. Within hours of their RTT session, they faced a situation with their ex and were amazed at how empowered they felt! They could finally see through the manipulation with ease.

Ready to stop the struggle and start thriving?

Here's what you can expect with RTT:

  • Uncover the root cause of your limiting beliefs and negative patterns.

  • Reprogram your subconscious mind for lasting change.

  • Achieve your goals with newfound motivation and commitment.

  • Experience positive shifts often in a shorter timeframe than traditional therapy.

Don't wait 63 days to see results. Schedule your free consultation to learn more about RTT and how it can help you transform your life!

Click the button below to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you want to know how RTT® works? Are online sessions as effective as face to face? Head to the FAQ page to find out more.  

Listening to Music

The Method

A contemporary therapeutic innovation called RTT® is used for accessing the subconscious mind. It is as effective online as in person so you can experience the transformation from the comfort of your home. It has helped thousands of people around the world and continues to change people's lives. 

3-Step Process


Book A Call

It all starts with a free call. Hypnotherapy is a really effective tool to achieve your goals, however, it's good to discuss first how it works and why to choose it as our ally. 


Deep Dive Consultation

This call is to map out the next steps for your session(s). We talk about the issues that are holding you back and the dream result. 


RTT Hypnotherapy Session

This is where the 'magic' happens: you drift into a natural state of hypnosis, where you get to understand your old programming and reframe and reinvent your thinking. 

Typing on the Computer

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If you or someone you know, could benefit from our services, but cannot afford the fees they need to get the help they need, please drop me a line and we will see what we can do.

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